In 2007, Chris was on a guided tour of Beijing and happened on a curious, newly built neighborhood: it was a cul de sac of oversized faux Tudors looking for all the world like an Olde English theme park. How, he wondered, could such conspicuous construction be condoned in a land still firmly ruled by the Party? Wasn’t it decried for what it was – the ultimate in capitalist folly? His guide offered a wry answer: “In China, if it works, we call it Communism and move on.”
Not Your Father’s Capitalism
In 2007, Chris was on a guided tour of Beijing and happened on a curious, newly built neighborhood: it was a cul de sac of oversized faux Tudors looking for all the world like an Olde English theme park. How, he wondered, could such conspicuous construction be condoned in a land still firmly ruled by the Party? Wasn’t […]
June 24, 2009

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Change may be the only constant in today's organizations. Here's how to lead through it.
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HBR Learning

Change Management Course
Accelerate your career with Harvard ManageMentor®. HBR Learning’s online leadership training helps you hone your skills with courses like Change Management. Earn badges to share on LinkedIn and your resume. Access more than 40 courses trusted by Fortune 500 companies.
Change may be the only constant in today's organizations. Here's how to lead through it.