The arrival of your first child transforms you. All of the sudden, life isn’t just about you — or you and your partner. Suddenly a new little life that’s 100% dependent on you for absolutely everything has emerged into the world. And you now have the joyous and at times incredibly weighty responsibility to ensure that he or she survives — and hopefully thrives.
Working Parents, Give Yourself Permission to Recharge

When you’re a parent, it’s natural for your attention to shift off of yourself to your children — to put their needs ahead of your own. But many well-meaning parents can shift their focus so much that they completely lose sight of what they need to be happy, healthy people, especially if work is also in the mix. To love and care for your children well, you need to love and care for yourself well.
First, emphasize the quality of your time. Spending time with your kids isn’t quality time if your mind is somewhere else. Give yourself a break so you can be fully present. Then, define the day-to-day activities that will help you feel refreshed, like exercise, reading, or time spent with friends. Change your behavior by carving out small chunks of your day to devote to yourself — five to ten minutes to start. Then, look for special opportunities for longer time, like weekend trips or nights out. Finally, work with your spouse or partner to create a plan so you both can have time to yourselves.