Have you ever been in a bad employment situation but couldn’t bring yourself to leave? Nearly every client tells me about trauma they experienced at work, whether it’s an unsupportive or deliberately cruel manager, a company implementing policies that are unfavorable to employees, continuous layoffs creating stress and anxiety, or politics that left them feeling devalued.
Why Is It So Hard to Leave a Bad Job?
Five reasons people stick around — and how to move past them.
September 21, 2023

Anton Vierietin/Getty Images
If you’ve ever been in an unhealthy work situation, you probably know how hard it can be to leave. Leaving a bad job is never easy, and each person’s breaking point is different, so beating yourself up over why you stayed so long in a traumatic situation won’t help. But learning from each experience will empower you to own your career choices and leave earlier if you find yourself in a comparable situation again. The author presents five common reasons it’s hard to leave a bad job and strategies for moving on.

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