The day began well enough. I got to the office at about 8 a.m., grabbed a cup of coffee, and sat down to the latest issue of the Rosensteiner Investinfo Report on Nuf Fun, the sporting goods company where I’m CEO. It always gives me a kick to read the analysts’ reports, and this one was no exception. First the Company Description: “Denver-based Nuf Fun is a widely diversified manufacturer of branded leisure products catering to active sporting/recreational participation, including Alpine and cross-country skiing, climbing, parasailing, and various water sports.” Then the Investment Conclusion, which was real favorable. A sharp knock on my office door interrupted my reading, and the assistant director of the product development team, Verity Hinde, came in.
When Your Star Performer Can’t Manage
Linus Carver operates a successful one-man department. Where does that leave the rest of his staff?
A version of this article appeared in the July–August 1997 issue of Harvard Business Review.

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