The first week of business school was an introduction to a world of new concepts. Just as the foundational coursework was coming to an end, we took on a daylong deep dive into case studies examining ways of ensuring corporate wellbeing. As a physician leading the wellbeing program for the largest health care provider in the Mid-Atlantic region, this was a pleasant departure into familiar territory.
What Health Care Can Teach Other Industries About Preventing Burnout

Burnout is a serious problem across sectors, no more so than in health care. But it is precisely because of the epidemic of health care worker distress that the health care sector can be seen as the blueprint for mitigating workforce burnout. Workforce wellbeing hinges on providing employees with adequate control over their work experience while also providing the necessary tools to successfully complete the expected work. Three concrete steps can help: Incorporating wellbeing into the organizational structure is the foundation of a successful wellbeing program; delineate wellbeing priorities and create and organizational framework for addressing them; and measure the success of wellbeing programs using metrics that reflect organizational priorities.