This week Uber took a major step toward righting the ship with the choice of Dara Khosrowshahi as its new CEO. To succeed, our research shows, he must address — at the same time — two large issues that are among the most challenging in business: win at the “inner game,” by removing the internal barriers to growth and restoring the energy of the company, and win at the “outer game,” by showing that Uber can generate profitable growth.
Uber’s New CEO Will Have to Win on Two Fronts Simultaneously

Uber took a major step, with the choice of Dara Khosrowshahi as its new CEO, toward righting the ship. To succeed, research shows that he must address, at the same time, two large issues that are among the most challenging in business: win at the “inner game,” removing the internal barriers to growth and restoring the energy of the company; and win at the “outer game,” by showing that Uber can generate profitable growth. CEO changes that have reignited internal energy and profitable growth such as those at Starbucks, DaVita, Home Depot, LEGO Group, or Charles Schwab reveals how renewal must start at the front line. Khosrowshahi needs to spend a large share of time in the field, not in the corporate office, despite all the pressure to do the opposite.