Creating a more diverse and equitable organization involves the hard work of confronting brutal facts and navigating emotional issues with heart. Indeed, in 2020, more organizations had honest but difficult conversations and implemented new management tactics related to diversity and inclusion (D&I). But to enact meaningful change, we must empower these initiatives with data.
To Make Real Progress on D&I, Move Past Vanity Metrics

Using data in diversity and inclusion initiatives can help organizations move beyond tick-the-box exercises. It can enable them to take an honest look at where they’re falling short, assess the experience of specific groups in the company, and prevent employee attrition before it happens. Start by identifying data gaps in your HR systems. Determine the relevant information you have and what you’ll need to understand the makeup of your employee base. If you’re not collecting data about age and race, for example, it’s impossible to know where you are and measure improvement. Work with HR and legal to ensure that you’re capturing the right data and allowing people to opt-in appropriately. Use the data you’ve collected to build a single source of truth that is based on facts. Honest, accessible metrics around your diversity progress and remaining gaps are critical to ensuring the work is measurable, targeted, and impactful.