Data-driven insights are essential for companies that want to optimize their operations or introduce a new product or service, like a tailored customer experience. However, some companies lack the tools to analyze their data, even though a rich supply is available. Other companies have the resources for analysis but lack the abundance of data needed for quality insights.
To Be More Data Driven, Look for the Right Business Partner

When it comes to building a more data-oriented organization, it can be smart to pool resources. A large, established business that partners with a nascent technology startup stands to benefit from collaborating with emerging technologies. In return, a startup could gain clout and support from its larger partner, while it continues to grow its brand and expand operations. One reason partnerships are so attractive is because they can offer the flexibility to walk away. The decades-old “fail-fast” mentality is still valid in the digital era and applies to business relationships as much as to new projects. Hunt for data-driven partnerships that fall outside your immediate universe. Be willing to walk away from a partnership that isn’t delivering the anticipated results, but be the first to give a non-obvious alliance a chance. The types of businesses that can benefit from an alliance are nearly endless. As with any relationship, it’s most important that the two organizations share a similar culture and values, as well as a common goal.