A recent Washington Post article highlighted a seemingly obvious, yet critically important finding from research conducted by Maureen Perry-Jenkins: When parents work in more supportive environments, they are able to be more effective in their parenting roles. This, in turn, leads to better developmental outcomes for their children. It’s no surprise that this news article quickly made the rounds across social media for parents — it articulates what so many working parents have felt: that our experiences at work shape the experiences of our home lives.
The Ripple Effect of a Bad Boss on Dual-Career Parents
Five steps you can take to manage a boss that’s making both of your lives harder.
April 14, 2023

Jovo Jovanovic/Stocksy
It’s no secret that a supportive boss can play an instrumental role in your ability to thrive both at work and at home. In this piece, the authors take this finding one step further. Their research highlights how your boss can also indirectly influence your co-parent’s ability to thrive as well. While it may not always be an option to choose your supervisor, by understanding how this process unfolds, you can take steps to more consciously navigate complex work, parenting, and partnership decisions to maximize opportunities for both you and your co-parent to thrive in all facets of life.