Across industries and across countries, a small number of “superstar” firms are pulling away from the competition. They’re more productive, as the chart below illustrates. They’re also more profitable, more innovative, and they pay better. But why are these companies doing so well? Are they out-competing their rivals, or are they using their size and influence to avoid competition altogether?
The Real Reason Superstar Firms Are Pulling Ahead
A number of studies point to technology’s role.
October 05, 2017

Across industries and across countries, a small number of “superstar” firms are pulling away from the competition. But why are these companies doing so well? One answer shows up in study after study: superstar firms are succeeding in large part due to information technology. However, superstars aren’t succeeding because of IT per se, but because they effectively combine it with other intangibles, like good management, well-known brands, or intellectual property.

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