In late March, Starbucks launched a new web site to engage its customer community in helping to chart the company’s future course. Called My Starbucks Idea, it serves as a worldwide suggestion box with the added feature of community rating of the ideas. So far, customers’ ideas seem much less varied than their drink orders. Most involve Starbucks’ giving them something free of charge, like wi-fi service or a bonus beverage after 6 purchases, and those are the ideas that are winning in the polling. (If Starbucks decides to go with the latter suggestion, it should absolutely check out the article “Your Loyalty Program Is Betraying You” for tips on how to offer frequent-buyer discounts that actually boost profitability).
Suggestion for Starbucks: Try This New Way of Getting Customer Feedback
In late March, Starbucks launched a new web site to engage its customer community in helping to chart the company’s future course. Called My Starbucks Idea, it serves as a worldwide suggestion box with the added feature of community rating of the ideas. So far, customers’ ideas seem much less varied than their drink orders. […]
April 02, 2008

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