If you knew about a technology that would help you improve organizational alignment, cut meeting times, and increase engagement in discussions, surely you’d use it all the time, right? You may be surprised to learn this powerful tool is already at your disposal. It’s videoconferencing, a technology that has been around for years and is available in many forms, from corporate systems such as telepresence to built-in cameras on desktop computers and mobile phones. Thanks to free services including Skype and Zoom, videoconferencing can be easily accessed by anyone with a computer or smartphone. And yet we default to using email or the phone to communicate.
Stop Scheduling Conference Calls and Finally Commit to Videoconferencing

Videoconferencing is a technology that has been around for years. And yet most of us default to conference calls over the phone. The phrase “phoning it in” exists because people can sit back, be less engaged, and less focused on a phone call. Videoconferencing increases your ability to engage people who you want to contribute to the conversation. They may be silent because they are having a hard time pushing their way in to the conversation or they may be preoccupied. Either way, the visual connection on a videoconference mitigates both of those factors. And it gives you as a leader a new tool to fully engage people in the discussion. You will notice a difference in the quality of ideas that emerge from the conversation, the thoughtfulness of the comments, and the level of engagement in the discussion. And best of all, it takes less time.