The gap between CEO compensation and that of the average worker continues to grow at an astounding rate. According to the Institute for Policy Studies, CEO compensation in the United States was approximately 40 times greater than that of the average worker in 1960 and is now over 400 times greater (a much larger gap than in other countries). Similarly, from 1990 to 2005 CEO compensation increased 300% (adjusted for inflation) while the pay of average workers increased only 4.3%. These figures prompted Joe Biden to remark last year that “the average CEO makes $10,000 more every day…than what the average worker makes every year.”
Rethinking the Assumptions Behind Executive Pay
The gap between CEO compensation and that of the average worker continues to grow at an astounding rate. According to the Institute for Policy Studies, CEO compensation in the United States was approximately 40 times greater than that of the average worker in 1960 and is now over 400 times greater (a much larger gap […]
June 22, 2010

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