A CEO decides to hire a new C-level executive. To manage the search process, including defining the role and finding and vetting candidates, the company retains an executive recruiting firm. The recruiter crafts a lengthy, written job specification, which becomes the blueprint for the qualifications and skills the company desires in candidates, and the expected job responsibilities.
Reading Between the Lines of a C-Suite Job Description
Job expectations and responsibilities were misaligned in one out of three job specs, according to an analysis of 185 open C-suite roles.
February 20, 2023

Busà Photography/Getty Images
Executive recruiters write lengthy job descriptions when filling C-suite roles. Candidates need to recognize that these are marketing documents, aimed at getting them excited about the job, and they aren’t necessarily accurate reflections of the responsibilities and performance measures they will encounter if they accept the position. To overcome the mismatch between the written description and the actual reality of the role, candidates need to start from scratch, using interviews as an opportunity to understand the real parameters of the work, writing their own understanding of the job, and getting executive buy-in to that understanding before accepting an offer.

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