You’re at work when you suddenly feel a deep sense of dread. Heart pounding, hands trembling, lightheaded, and drenched in sweat, you can’t breathe. You think you’re having a heart attack and feel like you’re about to die. You’re about to call for an ambulance when the symptoms start to fade. You just had a panic attack.
Managing a Panic Attack at Work

A panic attack, defined by the American Psychological Association as, “a sudden surge of overwhelming fear that comes without warning and without any obvious reason” can strike anyone at any time–even at work. The feelings and physical symptoms (such as shortness of breath and tightness in the chest) are very real and can be very scary. Panic attacks won’t kill you, but depending on how severe and frequent they are, they can have a significant impact on your quality of life in every realm, including work. Often triggered by stressful situations, the symptoms of panic attacks usually recede when the stress ends. Common triggers at work include public speaking, conflict, an important meeting, a major transition such as a promotion or a big project, or a work-related social event such as a meeting with a key client or after-work drinks. The author provides tips for managing your symptoms and keeping them from taking over your workday and how to support a colleague who may be experiencing one.