In an era of fast-changing global markets, hyper-connectivity, heightened competition, and increased customer expectations, it’s difficult to stay on top for long. Leading brands, such as Nokia, Blockbuster, Kodak, Borders, Sports Authority, and Toys R Us, have all fallen by the wayside, even as others are relegated to being small players.
Lessons in Longevity from an 88-Year-Old Zipper Company
How the Japanese manufacturer YKK has stayed at the top of its industry.
March 02, 2022

HBR Staff/Westend61/Getty Images
Rarely does a company sustain its global industry leadership for more than a few decades, and most that do so are very well-known global brands. YKK, an 88-year-old Japanese manufacturer of zippers, is not a household name, yet it has quietly, and impressively, stayed atop of the global fastener industry for decades. It has remained relevant and preserved its leadership globally and in the U.S. market. What enabled YKK to do so well for so long? The authors examine how YKK has beaten the odds, and provide a possible roadmap for other companies looking to sustain a viable, profitable business in international markets. They also offer several areas of potential vulnerability which pose serious challenges to a company’s pursuit of longevity.