When companies buy digital products, they expect them to be secure. In most cases, they don’t test for vulnerabilities down the digital supply chain — and don’t even have adequate processes or tools to do so. Hackers have taken note, and incidents of supply chain cyber-attacks, which exploit weaknesses within the digital supply chain to break into organizations’ internal networks, are on the rise. As a result, there have been many headline incidents that not only bring shame to the companies involved, but rachet up the visibility of these threats to top executives who want to know their offerings are secure.
Is Third-Party Software Leaving You Vulnerable to Cyberattacks?
The SolarWinds hack highlights the importance of vetting your vendors.
May 13, 2021

Jorg Greuel/ Getty Images
When companies buy software, they tend to assume it’s secure — but they shouldn’t. Vulnerabilities in the digital supply chain are the responsibility of both developers, vendors, and customers, but right now cybersecurity isn’t a priority for either party. There are two key miscalculations that are bound up in this: First, that cybersecurity does not directly contribute to revenue and second, that cybersecurity is a feature that can easily be added on later in the project as necessary. Leaders can address this by making security a selling (or buying) point, using security to motivate developers, teaching their developers about security risks, and helping vendors prioritize security.

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