Love it or hate it, office politics is an inevitable part of organizational life. Many people associate political behavior with backstabbing and manipulation — but there is a constructive side to being politically savvy. Being able to negotiate, influence, engage, convince, and persuade others is how things get done in organizations — and how organizations decide what’s worth doing at all. Developing political skill reduces stress and enhances performance, reputation, promotability, and career progression at work. A 2008 survey of 250 managers in the UK revealed that 90% of them believed that political skill is required to succeed and to improve one’s career prospects. This has been further supported by numerous research studies that make the case for engaging in office politics. While the link between political skill and career success is firmly established, there is a problem: Office politics doesn’t work for everyone in the same way.
Is Office Politics a White Man’s Game?

The link between political skill and career success is firmly established, but there is a problem: Office politics doesn’t work for everyone in the same way. Women and minorities face a narrower range of acceptable political behaviors, and are also more likely to see politics itself as an informal system that keeps power with those who have it while excluding those who don’t. As a result, they’re less likely to engage in office politics. And even when they do, politics doesn’t help their careers the same way that it often helps white men’s. Moreover, there is some evidence to suggest that playing politics benefits only some white men. Perhaps it’s time to stop encouraging employees to play politics, and instead recognize that office politics is really an outdated game that no one wants to play.