The pandemic has given many organizations an unexpected crash course in digitalization. While much progress has been made — from hardware and infrastructure to updated work processes and a rejuvenated corporate culture — many organizations are confronting the question of how to integrate fragmented and often makeshift digitalization efforts in a way that’s sustainable.
How to Speed Up Your Digital Transformation

Many organizations are confronting the question of how to integrate fragmented and often makeshift digitalization efforts in a way that’s sustainable. Are there ways to speed up digitalization and make outcomes more predictable? Based on their research, the authors recommend three levers for accelerating digitalization projects that will help organizations of any size reap the benefits of true transformations. These levers are rooted in the idea of complexity-in-use, a concept the authors developed to help understand the difficulties users face when trying to cope with the impacts of new digital tools on their work. Once managers master this form of complexity, they’ll be able to plan and focus their digitalization efforts and deliver more effective transformations.