Beth was promoted to senior vice president at a Fortune 500 company. In addition to her existing responsibilities, she was given two new groups to manage. Overnight, her team doubled in size. Beth needed to hire senior executives to help manage her burgeoning division.
How to Make Sure a New Hire Feels Included from Day One
Even walking to and from meetings together can build rapport.
February 22, 2019

Bria Blake/Getty Images
To retain new hires, you need to make sure they feel included. For one, give them individual attention. If weekly check-ins aren’t doable, find ways to give your new hires facetime — even just walking to and from meetings together can build rapport. The addition of a new team member, by definition, means a refresh of the team. So it may be a good time to co-create a plan for expected behaviors or team norms. One example of a team norm that helps build camaraderie between new and veteran team members is striving for equal participation in meetings. Don’t allow a conversation to move on until a new member is fully heard. Ask for details and highlight possible actions the team could take to benefit from the new wisdom in the room.

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