The first few months on a new job can feel overwhelming, especially if you’re tasked with managing a team. I remember my first management job well. Like many people, I wasn’t immune to feeling like an imposter and was constantly asking myself: “Do I actually know how to do this? Do I really have what it takes?” I was carrying a lot of emotional baggage while trying to prove myself, make a great impression, and be liked by my team.
How Managers Unknowingly Sabotage Their Growth
Three challenges new managers often face and how to overcome them.
December 13, 2022

HBR Staff/SvetaZi/Getty Images
Oftentimes, managers get so busy leading their team and fulfilling their wants and needs that they forget to focus on their own learning, growth, and development. Here are three lesser-known challenges that new managers often face when trying to learn and grow.
- You put yourself last: It can feel rewarding in the moment to sacrifice oneself for the greater good of the team, and at times it’s required. But this strategy has a short shelf-life. Never invest more into someone’s personal development than they’re willing to put in themselves. Ask yourself, “With whom am I overinvested in right now? Where can I reallocate one to two hours per month for my own learning?”
- You’re in your comfort zone and loving it: You reach a certain plateau that feels good when things are working as they should. This isn’t inherently bad, as we all need these moments in life to decompress and reenergize. But how long should you stay in that zone? That doesn’t mean switching jobs every so often. Stretch projects are a great way to expand your horizons and learn new skills while continuing to add value to your current role.
- You’ve left your career to your manager: Most of us enter the workforce believing that our managers will be supportive and highly invested in our growth. But not all of us get lucky. If you’re just stuck with a manager who is self-focused and unwilling to support your development, make conscious efforts to focus on your own learning.

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Career Management Course
Accelerate your career with Harvard ManageMentor®. HBR Learning’s online leadership training helps you hone your skills with courses like Career Management. Earn badges to share on LinkedIn and your resume. Access more than 40 courses trusted by Fortune 500 companies.
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