We have all read stories of facial recognition software that fails to recognize dark-skinned faces, or robo-loan officers that deny mortgages to certain groups. As a growing body of research has made clear, algorithms created by non-representative groups have resulted in AI that perpetuates the inequities already prevalent in our society. As more companies rely more heavily on data and AI, these problems of algorithmic discrimination may only become worse.
How Data Literate Is Your Company?

As companies rely more and more on data, and it creeps into more parts of business, data literacy is a skill that everyone has to have now. But, evidence suggests that most companies are still struggling to build this skill, even after they’ve identified it as critically important: just a quarter of employees report feeling confident in their data skills. Here are five strategies to help companies expand their data literacy: 1) Make it an organization-wide priority, 2) develop a common language for speaking about data and talk about how it connects to your business, 3) create spaces where you connect business concepts and data concepts, 4) incentivize data-driven decision making, and 5) teach data literacy in the context of your specific business — and use tools and programs that actually engage your employees.