While advances in health care in the developed world often emphasize new technologies, in developing lower- and middle-income countries simply expanding the reach of basic primary care services is crucial to improving health. By providing ready access to basic health services and coordinating care with more specialized services as needed, primary care can reduce hospitalizations and mortality, increase life expectancy, and deliver better overall health. Indeed, a 2003 Lancet study reported that 63% of child deaths in the 42 countries that account for 90% of global child mortality could be prevented each year through more effective primary care. That is 6 million lives – 100 football stadiums of children – that could be saved each year.
Expanding the Reach of Primary Care in Developing Countries
Getting there will take classic business skills.
June 06, 2017
Increasing access to primary care services is critical to health in developing countries. While having leadership with clinical expertise is clearly important, research shows that business skills are critical too. Through extensive site visits, interviews, document review, and statistical analysis involving 37 primary care programs operating in over 25 developing countries, four categories of business skills were identified as central to successful scaling: marketing, financial, partnership, and management and leadership skills.

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