Marissa Mayer, former CEO of Yahoo, was a prominent female leader in the technology industry. She began her career as Google’s 21st employee, and her career rose in tandem with Google’s ascent. She was known for her user-focused approach to products, which was a key part of her success while leading Google Search and UX as a vice president in 2006.
Don’t Just Sponsor Women and People of Color — Defend Them
Part of your responsibility is being willing to put your credibility on the line to back them up.
February 14, 2023

HBR Staff; Morsa Images/Getty Images; Unsplash
Having an “overly” analytical and unemotional leadership style is a complaint many female leaders and leaders from marginalized racial groups have levied at them. Others are criticized for being “too emotional.” In general, these leaders often suffer from the Goldilocks dilemma: They’re either being too much of one thing or not enough of that same thing. When such criticisms are levied, it’s critical for female leaders and leaders of color to have people willing to sponsor them by defending them to others. Defending comes with a certain amount of risk, and it’s the responsibility of the most powerful sponsors — typically white men — to take on that risk.

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