In recent months, amid signs that the economy might be softening, many companies announced layoffs aimed at curbing expenses, with middle management a common target. Cutting such jobs hastily or too deeply can be a costly mistake. Over the past several years of advising clients and researching workforce trends, we’ve seen that this vital organizational layer often gets severely depleted. The problem is, middle managers—positioned close to the ground but not too close—are essential to helping businesses navigate rapid, complex change. They can make work more meaningful, interesting, and productive, and true organizational transformation can occur only with their involvement. They’re the glue that holds teams and enterprises together, fostering the inclusion and psychological safety individuals and groups need to thrive.
Don’t Eliminate Your Middle Managers

Organizations have long seen middle management as ripe for cutting whenever times get tight, and the current moment is no exception. The authors believe that this is a costly mistake. Human capital, they say, is at least as important as financial capital, and middle managers, who recruit and develop an organization’s employees, are the most important asset of all—essential to navigating rapid, complex change. They can make work more meaningful, interesting, and productive, and they’re crucial for true organizational transformation. But if managers are to fulfill this promise, leaders must reimagine their roles, push to more fully understand their value, and train, coach, and inspire them to realize their potential as organizational linchpins.