Back when we were in the office, we all knew the unwritten rules of communication. If someone had large headphones on, they probably were focused on work, and didn’t want to be interrupted to gossip about the latest drama. Or if your team was about to have an important meeting with a client, you would quickly run through last-minute questions before walking into the room.
Did You Get My Slack/Email/Text?
There are too many ways to communicate at work. Let’s set some ground rules.
May 07, 2021

HBR Staff/JakeOlimb/Getty Images
We are in the midst of a major transition from remote to hybrid work. As this shift is happening, it’s essential for managers to establish norms around digital communication with their teams. Having a detailed guide will help ensure that everyone on your team is on the same page and has the same expectations — regardless of who is working from where. The author offers guidance for how to have these norm-establishing conversations and how to make sure your established norms then stick.

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