At the beginning of each year, while many individuals make New Year’s resolutions, organizations make forecasts about the year ahead. Both have high fallibility. Forecasts are predictions about what will happen in the future based on information currently available. As such, they are exercises of imagination, which studies have shown are rarely correct in their particulars.
Business Forecasts Are Reliably Wrong — Yet Still Valuable
Six ways savvy leaders can use them to gain a competitive advantage.
March 08, 2022

Matthias Clamer/Getty Images
Business forecasts are often wrong — and yet they can still be a powerful tool for savvy leaders if they view them in aggregate and ask the right questions. The authors offer six ways in which business leaders can gain competitive advantage from forecasts and offer their analysis of the themes revealed in 20 forecasts for 2022 and beyond by prominent commentators and thought leaders on business and society.

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