You’ve heard the stats on overwork and how huge a health risk it is. You’ve read the productivity articles and books indicating that loading up your week with more work hours doesn’t actually improve your results. And while the idea of dialing it back not only sounds appealing and is backed by significant data, giving yourself permission to do that is something else entirely.
Burning Out? Give Yourself Permission to Dial It Back.

We’ve heard it time and time again that overwork is ineffective to our productivity. More so, it can hurt our health. But giving ourselves permission to dial it back is difficult. We worry that we’re not meeting the needs of our clients or boss if we’re not “on” all the time, or that we’ll miss opportunities for promotion and growth. How do you convince yourself to dial it back? First, notice the story you’re telling yourself about work — and dig down into the root cause. Often the core story you’re telling yourself isn’t true. Second, share your goal to dial it back with those you respect. This will help keep you accountable, and you might find out some tips to help. Third, find the work that aligns with your biggest wins and double down on that, and let go of the rest. Finally, fast forward. What would your future self say about the work you’re doing today?