Every job is a little bit boring sometimes. No matter how much you love your work, or how much meaning it brings you, there are likely a few items on your to-do list that feel, well … tedious.
Boring Work Doesn’t Need to Feel Painful
With a little creativity, the most mundane tasks can feel joyful.
August 09, 2023

HBR Staff; Allen Chen/Getty Images
No matter how much you love your work, or how much meaning it brings you, there are likely a few items on your to-do list that feel, boring and tedious. Use these tips to make small adjustments to your to-do list, and bring more joy into your everyday.
- Think about a task that you have to do regularly as a part of your job (or home life), and that you find incredibly boring.
- Next, think about something you really enjoy that you could pair with this activity. For example, can you listen to your favorite music while replying to emails? If you have tedious data entry to do, turn it into a race against the clock to beat your own record or compete with co-workers. The loser buys everyone coffee!
- Start to consistently pair the boring work with something that makes it more enjoyable. If you do this often enough, you may actually start to look forward to the activity that once felt as if it was sucking the life out of you.