All companies want to give their customers richer and more engaging experiences. That’s one of the most effective ways to create and sustain competitive advantage. The challenge is to offer those experiences at scale without depersonalizing or commodifying them.
AI with a Human Face

All companies want to provide their customers with richer and more engaging experiences. The challenge is how to scale the experiences in a way that does not depersonalize or commodify them.
Enter the digital human. Rapid progress in computer graphics, coupled with advances in AI, is putting humanlike faces on chatbots and other computer-based interfaces. Digital humans now work in a range of roles such as sales assistant, corporate trainer, and social media influencer. They may not be as capable or versatile as human employees, but they have clear advantages in terms of cost, customizability, and scalability.
This article describes the various types of digital humans, looks at use cases, and presents examples of digital employees working in organizations today.