Bad. Guilty. Failing. Lonely. Do those words strike a chord? I’ll make a gentle guess that they do, because in my one-on-one coaching sessions with working parents over the past several years, I’ve heard those four words more than any others.

Alex Eben Meyer
A Way Forward for Working Parents
How to feel more confident, connected, and in control — during the pandemic and beyond.
November 11, 2020
· Long read
Working parenthood was hard enough before Covid-19 — and now it’s an all-out crisis. But as we exit the pandemic, we don’t want to return out of habit to the way things were. It’s time to reimagine how we combine children and career, moving from Working Parenthood 1.0 (hiding our struggles, buckling down, and feeling perennially bad, guilty, failing, lonely) to Working Parenthood 2.0, in which all working parents can feel more confident, connected, and in control. Each of us can begin making this shift on three levels: personal, team, and organizational. In this article you will learn small, feasible actions that can lead to 2.0 — that can make a huge difference for you today, and for every other working mother or father going forward.