For almost every professional, there are times when your career path deviates from what you might have hoped — for instance, a layoff, reassignment, relocation, or the need to take time off for health issues or caregiving. The pandemic, of course, has compounded the situation, especially for working parents, who may be facing multiple stressors at once.
A Career Detour Doesn’t Have to Compromise Your Long-Term Goals

Short-term situations can require shifts in our careers: If you have lost your job, you need to earn income. If in-person schooling isn’t available, someone has to stay home with the kids and supervise virtual learning. And if you’re the primary caregiver to a family member, you need to secure flexibility for responsibilities at home.
Choosing to prioritize these immediate concerns over a longer career goals — while painful — may be necessary. But a temporary departure from your professional goals doesn’t mean all is lost. You can still have control over your career arc by using four strategies. First, reframe the situation; even if you’re not advancing at work, you’re still advancing in other areas at home. Second, find learning opportunities to develop new skills in your current role. Third, push back against standard options. And finally, use small amounts of time toward your goals — even if it’s only three minutes at a time.