People data and analytics is now one of the hottest, most in-demand skills for HR professionals and ranks as one of the most important human capital trends for organizations today. Companies are looking at data to inform decisions and answer questions such as: Who will leave and when? How do our capabilities compare to competitors? What skills and talent do we need? This kind of data provide insights and can help decision makers by answering these questions and more.
7 Ways HR Can Build a Fairer, Data-Informed Culture
There are nearly 200 cognitive biases that can impact our decision-making.
November 11, 2020

Martà Sans/ Stocksy
Human resource departments have the opportunity to use more data than ever. It can lead to fairer decision-making by reducing the subjective (and possibly biased) interpretations of human decisions. But data can also mirror harmful human biases and encode the unconscious errors of the people who design, collect, and use it. Leaders can help ensure a culture of fairer data-informed HR decisions by: 1) Develop organization-wide definitions of fairness; 2) Promote fairness with a strong business case; 3) Embrace technology while understanding its limits; 4) Conduct fairness audits; 5) Find the underlying cause of your problem; 6) Make diverse, cross-group collaboration a must; and 7) Keep the H in HR.