There is a large group of employees at nearly every company that have much to contribute to organizations, but may need thoughtful policies to thrive. Supporting this group is integral to DEI, loyalty, and retention goals, and yet few companies even track their status. The group I’m talking about is caregivers.
5 Things Employers Get Wrong About Caregivers at Work
Myth #1: School and childcare are back to normal.
November 21, 2022

Yann Bastard
Companies have serious blind spots about their caregiver population and regularly make assumptions that can undermine their stated values and goals — along with their bottom line. In this piece, the author debunks five big misconceptions about caregivers right now. For one, school and childcare are not “back to normal.” Employers must understand that employees who rely on private daycare and public school to do their jobs are facing near constant, unpredictable care conflicts through no personal fault of their own. The author goes on to explain the other four misconceptions, and offers advice for what organizations can do to support caregivers so they can stay on the job and thrive.

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