Retail has been constantly reinventing itself, and participants race to keep up with what feels like a series of epic shifts in consumer preferences. Apparel brands are investing especially heavily in online shopping capabilities and introducing interactive features that complement apps and websites. Retailers and manufacturers are rushing out new products to keep pace with the leaders of fast fashion such as Zara, H&M, and Forever 21, which launch new fashions every week or so.
5 Surprising Findings About How People Actually Buy Clothes and Shoes
When consumers buy online, they spend more.
June 06, 2018

HBR Staff/CSA Images/B&W Archive Collection/Getty Images
Retail has been constantly reinventing itself, and participants race to keep up with what feels like a series of epic shifts in consumer preferences. To get a clearer, more-complete picture, we studied the actual decisions made by 1,500 apparel and footwear shoppers in the United States. Our five most surprising findings: shopping is not yet truly omnichannel; when consumers buy online, they purchase more; online journeys take longer than in-store; brand stores and website generate higher spend than multibrand stores; and, very often, consumers just want to buy new versions of an item they already own.

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